Questions & answers
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Tenants-In-Common and Co-ops - Q & A
Q: |
Where do I get information on co-ops? |
A: |
For information on co-operative housing, contact the National Association of Housing Cooperatives, 1614 King St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 549-5201. |
Q: |
Can a co-owner force someone off a shared deed? |
A: |
In some states, a co-owner often can force the sale of a shared property by filing a so-called partition action. In such a situation, if the severance is granted, the property would be sold and the owners would split the proceeds proportionate to their interest in the property.
You should check your title for any references to such a severance action. You may need to consult a real estate attorney.
Copyright 1999 Inman News Features
Home Advice
Get the answers on home selling and buying.
Joe Tassia CRB, CRS, RECS
(508) 634-7907
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Able Realty
PO Po Box 315
Southborough, MA 01772

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